The Challenge | March 30

Fleur van Burken 24-01-2023 784 keer bekeken 0 reacties


30-03-2023 om 08:45


30-03-2023 om 17:00

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We welcome you to register for this full-day event on the 30th of March, providing you with a wonderful opportunity to improve your knowledge and extend your network!


Registration > 


What is the case: contributing to the transition to H2-sustainable energy

We have a fantastic opportunity to contribute to transitioning to sustainable energy, by utilizing the platforms we currently have in the North Sea. As technology brought us to the point where we can create H2-energy from seawater, these plants have an amazing infrastructure: not just for creating energy, but also for transporting it back to the continent. The issue? The platforms aren't easy to reach. That means that an outstanding, reliable remote maintenance process / method needs to be in place, before further exploring options. And this is where we challenge you. 

The Challenge: remote maintenance - what if you only had 1 day?

Consider this: you only have one day a year, as a service-window, to ensure that the maintenance process can operate autonomously for another year. To be able to accurately predict, coordinate and execute the necessary maintenance, we ask for you to contribute to this challenge, to take into account the many apects, ensuring reliable maintenance. What are the logistics? What kind of data is needed and how to collect it? What are the risks and what resources would you need in this scenario? 

What are we looking for?

We are looking for a multidisciplinary team of people (students and professionals) fascinated by innovation, with backgrounds in areas like project management, human resources, communication, marketing, production and others. Are you interested to know more about the field of data management, or keen to know more about the background behind the sustainable energy transition? And are you ready to meet like-minded peers in the field, who can take your knowledge to a higher level? And most of all: are you up for a challenge? Then indeed, we are looking for you! 

What's in it for you?

We organise this full-day event for you, time & location will be announced soon. We will ensure to have key note speakers to help you get up-to-speed on the topic. Afterwards, you will break-out into smaller groups to stimulate out-of-the-box design-thinking. By the end of the day, you will present the outcome to your peers and Hatenboer-Water, checking the feasibility & usability of the outcome. On this day you will:

  • gain insight in one of the most invigorating transitions in the sustainable energy industry - creating H2 energy from seawater
  • understand the complexity of optimising maintenance processes at a far distance
  • learn to design an asset management method or process
  • meet other peers in the field that will help you get up-to-speed on the topic


09.00 – 11.15: Welcome & key-note speakers, taking you up on The Challenge
After a short introduction, we give the stage to our key-note speakers:  business owner Carel Aeijelst Averink (Hatenboer-Water), business director Rene Peters (TNO) and Leendert Dekker, teacher Industrial Engineering & Management at Hogeschool Rotterdam, will full you with some background knowledge, so you’re equipped for the rest of the day to take on the challenge.

11.15-12.15 Working together on this challenge: how to build a (winning) team

12.15 – 13.00 Lunchbreak

13.00 – 16.00 Break out in teams – solving the issue of remote maintenance

16.00 – 16.30 Elevator pitches

16.30 – 17.00 Jury: who solved the issue of predictive maintenance and won The Challenge?

17.00 – 18.00 Drinks

Join The Challenge and fill in the  Registration form > 



De Business Innovation Community is een uniek platform voor de Metropoolregio Rotterdam-Den Haag waarin we je uitnodigen om deel te nemen aan - en deel te zijn van - de transitie van de lokale economie. Lees meer


Hogeschool Rotterdam
Kenniscentrum Business Innovation
Postbus 25035 
3001 HA Rotterdam

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